Apr 13Liked by Bite Code!

I can't remember when was the last time I read something that resonated with me 100% like your article. Thank you for saving me countless hours I would have waisted without your guide.

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thanks for the extensive tutorial on virtual environments and pip.

I have been using Python for more than 10 years now and I found it painful until very recently.

I believe your tutorial make it easy but it doesn't answer 2 big questions:

- how can I install multiple versions of Python on the same machine? Pyenv solves this problem, but you don't suggest to use it. Do you have an alternative?

- why should I not use Poetry? Just saying not to use it, it's not enough. You should give a good motivation not to use it. Otherwise it is just a matter of taste. I like Poetry and I prefer it to keeping the venv and the requirements.txt in sync.

I'll shortly write a Substack article on how I streamlined an easy setup using Poetry, virtualenv and Devenv.sh (which internally use Nix)

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Bite Code!

Thank you so much for this! I've been confused about virtual environments for a long time. This really, really helps. However, this all raises a couple questions for me:

1. If I create a virtual environment for all the little scripts I write for myself, do I have to activate that virtual environment (or use the long awkward path somehow) whenever I want to run one of those scripts? That seems painful

2. If I want to distribute a script I wrote to someone else, do they now have to learn how to use virtual environments? That seems extra painful.

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Great article!

In the part about "Recreating an virtual environment" you probably meant "pythonX.x -m pip install -r requirements.txt" right? Since we shouldn't call pip without python -m ?

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